Upcoming Classes:
At Starpoint Community Education–limited to twelve (cost is $35/pp):
- 9/17- Canning 101: Salsa two ways; traditional and Verde
- 10/15- Apple pie making
- 11/19- Pumpkin pie making
- 12/10- Fancy Christmas cookie making/decorating
On the Farm, classes offered through Logos Ministries PMA–limited to six ($35/pp*):
- 9/16- Canning 101: Water bath canning: chili base
- 9/23- Soap Making: Make your own laundry soap
- 9/30- Chicken processing
- 10/13- Canning 102: Pressure canning: pasta sauce
- 10/20- Scratch apple pie making
- 10/27- Scratch pasta making
- 11/11- Cheesemaking: Ricotta and fresh mozzarella
- 11/18- Turkey processing
- 12/2- Christmas gifts: Homemade felted ornaments
- 12/9-Scratch made bread–sprouted wheat
- 12/16- Scratch made Christmas cookies
- *Additional per pound fee for turkeys and chickens on processing dates