
Garden Patties

The Zucchini is up to it’s old shenanigans again—singing away with all it’s might. Just yesterday I picked three. Off one plant. And what does one do with so much zucchini? I asked myself as I lugged it into the kitchen. I looked at it and it looked back at me. Daring me, really, to make anything, ANYTHING other than another loaf of bread.

So, that is just what I did.

Zucchini is a bit moist, so after it was shredded it was set to rest a bit in a very salty brine (a cup of water to a quarter cup of salt). While three zucchinis worth (about three cups) did its thing, I small diced other odds and ends from the garden. An onion. Garlic scapes. Three peppers of all different colors and varieties (and heat levels). And a mushroom or three. All went into the pan with the now squeezed dried zucchini (after it had soaked for a minimum of three hours). A dab of bacon fat was added and all was set a’sizzling. Once done—and by done I mean tender with a tad bit of char—a cup or so of good, dry white wine was added and cooked down until it was one with the veggies it had just become acquainted with. The pan was taken from the stove and one and a half cups worth of crushed croutons were stirred in, along with one egg, a dash of salt and one of pepper. The mixture was formed into balls and set back in the pan, along with another dab of bacon fat. After one side became golden brown, the patty was flipped and the other side given a chance to crisp up as well. Once it was, the patty was slid onto a plate and enjoyed hot, warm, or chilled the next day.