
A Special Visit and the Turkeys Escape. Again.

Aunt Mary stopped over today. She does that from time to time. Usually to sit and talk, drink coffee and make something special. Today that was bread. And cookies. We had a slice slathered in butter and slurped up some Firehall Chowder and before either of us knew it three hours had passed. She visited the turkeys, who are spending more time out of their yard then in these days. But I don’t bother too much about it. Thanksgiving is a little more than a week away-if they want to explore the greener grasses a bit, more power to them. It’s the least we could do.

We visited Piggly and Wiggly (respectively). I had no idea a piglet could be rotund. but that is just what they are. They have rolls on rolls. And they like their ears scratched–what an interesting breed! (They’re Idaho Pasture Pigs, if anyone is interested in looking them up and learning a bit more.)

We went over some family history in the way of the Schulz family tree. Apparently, there was an Aunt Eugene, or Gennie, as she was better known. I can’t wait to tell the Farmer. He hadn’t known about that one. Isn’t it amazing how much history is lost with the passage of time? All the more reason to have lunch with our Aunt Marys from time to time.

Now, for dinner tonight I’m picturing a repeat of lunch–freshly sliced bread and the last of the chowder. We have a gathering early at church tonight, so time for a proper meal will be rather limited. Oh well, I’m sure we’ll make up for it tomorrow.