Hidden Hollow Turkey Farm and the First Big Snow
Every place deserves a name. For so long now, our place has been called, simply, The Farm. It is the same in the books as it has been spoken aloud. The Farm. Well, that has been itching at me for a bit. But what to call ourselves? We are on the Stone Road–so shall it be Stone Hollow Farm? I had thought that was it. Until I went to Market, and saw Stone Hollow Bakery–true, their Stone Road and their Hollow was two towns over–regardless, it was back to the drawing board for me. The Hollow felt important, seeing as that is the nature of our Farm–when you come and see it for yourself, you will understand. Unless you are quite literally here, you would never know such a place existed, it’s tucked so neatly in this little Hidden Hollow.
And now you can see where my train of thought went. Hidden Hollow Farm. But what do we Farm? Well, everything. But that is mostly for ourselves. The only thing we sell here are the Turkeys. So that is the second part of our longish new name: Hidden Hollow Turkey Farm.
And speaking of Turkeys. The day has almost come for them to be processed (that’s the nice way of saying butchering). And it’s all because they need a minimum of five days rest before their time to shine on Thanksgiving day, which puts Saturday as their last possible day on earth. So, Saturday it was to be until….the weather report came out. Yes. It turns out we are to expect snow this upcoming weekend, snow that is to be measured in feet, not inches. Sooooo….we may just move up that date a bit. Sorry turkeys, we tried.